Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The North Woods

For our defacto honeymoon, La Lissa and I went to North Idaho and Washington where the temps were cooler than SLC. On our tandem we checked out the route of the Hiawatha, an old rail line traversing Montana and North Idaho that has been converted to a bike path. The route starts with a two-mile long tunnel, which was cold and dark. After that the route slowly descends through the mountains over many old trestle bridges and smaller tunnels.

We spent a week in Seattle bumming around and doing city things. On our way back to North Idaho we stopped in the western Cascades and backpacked up the middle fork of the Snoqualme River about 12 miles to a hot springs. The upper cascades were totally snowed in still. The ranger said that trail openings are postponed about 1.5 months from normal.

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