Tuesday, July 29, 2008

El Norte

There is a land to the north where people live in peace and harmony, have guaranteed medical care, and commute by jetpacks. After the long dark night that we call the Bush administration, many of my fellow americans have spoke longingly of this land. A shangri la that we all, at times, have threatened to move to out of sheer frustration. A land where the palementary discussions sound more like a PTA meeting. A land where gay marriage was legalized one day with no fuss or acrimony. A land where they put pictures of kids toboganing and playing ice hockey on their money. They call this place Canada.


Lisa B. said...

Yes, all true, and if only it weren't so dang far away, I would just say, "you lucky ducks." Okay, I'm saying it.

Unknown said...

Hold on, we just checked. No Jetpacks.

However, people here are so dang nice! Twice now people have came running spontaneously out of their houses/cars to help me back the trailer up...