Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Bushwack curse

The Bushwack curse struck again yesterday. For those of you unfamiliar with this curse, beware, the curse strikes Margaret whenever she tries to climb bushwack (it is not currently known whether Bobby has to be present and have driven, but that clearly strengthens the curse). I sit at the base of the climb, put on my harness, someone decides to lead when all of a sudden BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP the Search and Rescue pager goes off with an injured skier in Big Cottonwood. This requires me to do a crazy car shuttle only to get there and find out there is nothing for me to do. (2 weeks ago it was an injured person who was flown on LifeFlight, yesterday it was an out of bounds avalanche by Brighton- see today's avy report)

The curse continues, in fact, the warning signs have been there, yet I chose not to heed them "hmm, it's a bluebird monday with high avy danger, maybe I should drive myself, . . ." The curse appears to be active only on Bushwack, as I have sucessfully climbed the Dam Wall in BCC without such complications.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

10 points for artistic treatment
5 points for inclusion of the supernatural
5 points for sound emperical reasoning
10 for only one person involved

= 30 pts.
