Monday, March 20, 2006

pKeg photos and an unconventional summary

O.K. Here is the powderkeg race summary.

The bus Maura and I were in overtook the other bus about a mile from Alta and won by half a bus length.

The skin into Alta was discouraged emphatically by at least one Snowbird employee but ultimately proved to be a good warm up.

Lemond starts are not Will's cup of tea. In fact all bets are off for anything located around Will's feet with straps, buckles, skins, clicking mechanism's, plastic, metal, or glue.

With a week of practice on skis one can ski most of the powderkeg.

For a race that lasts about an hour and a half you don't need to bring 5 GU packs or two full water bottles.

Amongst significant others at the finishline Josh is the top alpha male according to Jess. We couldn't agree more.

Bruce Tremper is fast.

The race AT class has discovered that neon green ski equipment makes you faster.

We all seemed to have fun...

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